1. Deklaagbedryf: Dit word as verdikkingsmiddel, dispergeermiddel en stabiliseerder in die deklaagbedryf gebruik, en het goeie verenigbaarheid in water of organiese oplosmiddels. As verfverwyderaar.
2. Keramiekvervaardigingsbedryf: Dit word wyd gebruik as 'n bindmiddel in die vervaardiging van keramiekprodukte.
7. Construction industry: As a water-retaining agent and retarder of cement mortar, it can make the mortar pumpable. In gips, gips, stopverfpoeier of ander boumateriaal as bindmiddel om smeerbaarheid te verbeter en werktyd te verleng. It can be used as paste tile, marble, plastic decoration, paste reinforcement, and can also reduce the amount of cement. The water retention performance of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC prevents the slurry from cracking due to drying too fast after application, and enhances the strength after hardening.
8. Farmaseutiese industrie: deklaagmateriaal; membraan materiaal; tempo-beheerde polimeermateriaal vir volgehoue-vrystelling preparate; stabiliseerders; suspendeermiddels; tablet gom; viscosity-increasing agents
1. Voorkoms: wit of spierwit poeier.
2. Deeltjiegrootte; the pass rate of 100 mesh is greater than 98.5%; die slaagsyfer van 80 maas is 100%. Particle size of special specifications is 40~60 mesh.
3. Karboniseringstemperatuur: 280-300 ℃
4. Skynbare digtheid: 0.25-0.70g/cm (gewoonlik ongeveer 0.5g/cm), soortlike gewig 1.26-1.31.
5. Verkleuringstemperatuur: 190-200 ℃
6. Oppervlakspanning: 2% waterige oplossing is 42-56dyn/cm.
7. Solubility: Soluble in water and some solvents, such as ethanol/water, propanol/water, etc. in appropriate proportions. Aqueous solutions are surface active. High transparency, stable performance, different specifications of products have different gel temperatures, solubility changes with viscosity, the lower the viscosity, the greater the solubility, different specifications of HPMC have certain differences in performance, and the dissolution of HPMC in water is not affected deur pH.
Postyd: Mei-25-2023