Cov teebmeem sib txawv ntawm cellulose, hmoov txhuv nplej siab ether, thiab roj hmab hmoov ntawm gypsum tshuaj khib!

1. Nws yog ruaj khov rau cov kua qaub thiab alkali, thiab nws cov kua aqueous yog qhov ruaj khov heev hauv cov ph = 2 ~ 12. Caustic dej qab zib thiab kua qaub dej tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam ntau rau nws cov kev ua tau zoo, tab sis alkali tuaj yeem ua rau nws qhov kev sib cais thiab nce me ntsis nws qhov viscosity.

2. HPMC yog lub siab ua dej txhawv kom huv, txhim kho cov cohesion ntawm kev tsim cov kab tsuag yas hauv kev sib tsoo, thiab txo cov yas Nrib pleb index ntawm cug.

3. Nws yog cov tsis-ionic thiab tsis yog-cov kev daws teeb meem uas muaj cov khoom siv tshuab organic, thiab tuaj yeem ntxiv rau cov khoom siv hauv tsev ntev kom ntseeg tau tias nws cov kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov.

4. Kev ua haujlwm ntawm lub tshuaj khib tau txhim kho. Lub tshuaj khib nws li "oily", uas tuaj yeem ua rau phab ntsa sib koom ua ke puv, ua kom lub zog cug thiab cov txheej txheem puag ncig ua haujlwm.

Dej ceev

Ua tiav kev tu sab hauv, uas yog qhov ua rau kev txhim kho ntawm lub zog ntev

Inhibit los ntshav, tiv thaiv txoj kab khib los ntawm kev teeb tsa thiab ntsws

Txhim kho qhov tawg ua hauj lwm xeb ntawm cug.


Kev tiv thaiv kev tawm tsam, txhim kho kev sib xyaw cream

Txhim kho cov ntub dej lub zog thiab txhim kho sag tsis kam.

Los ntshav

Txhim kho cug collement

Raws li cov viscosity ntawm cellulose ua siab dua thiab cov molecular chart yog ntev dua, huab cua-entraining nyhuv yog qhov pom tseeb dua

Rov ntsoov

Synergizes nrog dej khaws cia kom ntev qhib lub sijhawm ntawm cug cug.

HydroxyPropyl Starch ether

1. Lub zog hydroxypropyl cov ntsiab lus hauv cov hmoov txhuv nplej siab ether xaus rau hydrophilicity, ua kom dej dawb rau hauv cov dej khi thiab ua lub luag haujlwm zoo hauv dej tuav cia.

2. Cov ntsiab lus START nrog cov ntsiab lus hydroxypropyl sib txawv hauv lawv lub peev xwm los pab cellulose hauv cov dej hauv qab.

3. Hloov chaw ntawm hydroxypropyl pab tau nce cov kev nthuav dav hauv dej thiab compresses qhov chaw txaus ntawm cov lus, yog li nce cov viscosity thiab thickening nyhuv.

Thixotropic lubricity

Kev faib tawm sai sai ntawm cov hmoov txhuv nplej siab ether nyob rau hauv lub tshuab cug hloov pauv cov rhheology ntawm lub cug tshuaj thiab xaus rau nws nrog thixotrotropy. When an external force is applied, the viscosity of the mortar will decrease, ensuring good workability, pumpability, and endowment When the external force is withdrawn, the viscosity increases, so that the mortar has good anti-sagging and anti-sag performance, and Nyob rau hauv cov hmoov putty, nws muaj qhov zoo ntawm kev txhim kho lub ci ci ntawm cov roj putty, polishing ci, thiab lwm yam.

Cov nyhuv ntawm cov dej ntws khaws cia

Vim muaj cov nyhuv ntawm cov pab pawg hydroxypropyl hauv lub kaw lus, cov hmoov txhuv nplej siab nws tus kheej muaj cov yam ntxwv hydrophilic. Thaum nws ua ke nrog cellulose lossis ntxiv rau qee yam tshuaj khib, nws tuaj yeem ua rau dej khaws cia rau qee yam thiab txhim kho lub sijhawm qhuav.

Los tiv thaiv thiab tiv thaiv plam

Zoo heev los tiv thaiv cov nyhuv sagging, shaping effect

Redispersible looj hmoov

1. Txhim kho cov haujlwm ntawm cug

Cov roj hmab hmoov cov khoom tawg tau tawg rau hauv cov kab ke, ua kom lub cev muaj zog nrog cov fellability zoo, txhim kho lub zog ua haujlwm thiab ua haujlwm ntawm lub tshuaj khib.

2. Txhim kho txoj hlua khi rau lub zog thiab cohesion ntawm cug

Tom qab cov roj hmab hmoov yog dispersed rau hauv zaj duab xis, inorganic teeb meem thiab cov organic muaj teeb meem hauv cov kab tshuaj khib tau fused ua ke. Nws tuaj yeem xav tias cov qos ntoo xis nyob hauv cov tshuaj khib nyiab yog lub cev pob txha taub hau, thiab cov yas hmoov ua cov ligament hauv nws, uas nce cov cohesion thiab lub zog. tsim ib tus qauv hloov tau.

3. Txhim kho huab cua tsis kam thiab khov-yaj tiv thaiv ntawm cug

Cov hmoov looj tes yas yog ib lub thermoplastic resin nrog kev hloov pauv zoo, uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv lub cug ntawm kev tawg vim qhov ntsuas kub.

4. Txhim kho lub zog ntawm cug

Qhov zoo ntawm polymer thiab cement muab ua ke sib txuam. Thaum cov kab nrib pleb yog tsim los ntawm kev quab yuam sab nraud, cov polymer tuaj yeem hla cov kab nrib pleb thiab inhibit cov kab nrib pleb thiab tsis muaj peev xwm ntawm lub cug tshuaj hloov kho.

Lub sij hawm ncua: Mar-03-2023