Ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe (ihe eji eme ihe), ihe eji eme ya, megharia ahihia, ahihia, with ether, starlinyl na-aba n'anya, A na-enyocha ihe dị iche iche na-apụ apụ, wdg.
1: Nkọwapụta na eriri nke eriri, cellulose na cell
Fiber (US: English: English: fiber) na-ezo aka na ihe mejupụtara ihe mejupụtara ma ọ bụ kwụsịchaa. Dị ka fiber osisi, ntutu na anụmanụ, seraji silk, eriri sythetic, wdg.
Cellulose bụ polimecular polygramcharide mejupụtara glucose ma bụrụkwa ihe nchịkwa nke osisi osisi. Na ụlọ okpomọkụ, enweghị ihe na-eju mmiri na mmiri ma ọ bụ na edozi ọkaibe. Ọdịnaya sellose owu na-adịkarị 100%, na-eme ya pecate ekike nke cellose. Na mkpokọta osisi, akaụntụ cellulose maka 40-50%, ma enwere 10-30% hemicellrellose na 20-30% limin. Ọdịiche dị n'etiti Cellose (aka nri) na stachi (n'aka ekpe):
N'ikwu okwu n'ozuzu, ma stachi ma cellulose bụ polimolecular polsilarides, enwere ike igosipụta usoro molecular dị ka (C6H10o5) n. Ibu akwara nke cellulose buru ibu karịa nke stachi, na cellulose nwere ike imebi stachi. Cellulite bụ d-glucose na β-1,4 glycoside polysimolecular macromolecular macromolecular macromolies mejupụtara agbụ, ebe a na-ejikọ nke agbụ. A na-ejikọ cellulose na-abụkarị ndị na-emegharị anya, mana a na-agbagharị stachi. Cellulose na-emezighitughị mmiri, ebe stachi na-soluble na mmiri ọkụ. Cellulite na-enweghị atụ na Amylase na-adịghị acha anụnụ anụnụ mgbe ekpughere ayodiin.
Aha Bekee nke cellulose eather bụ cellulose eather, nke bụ polymer ogige nke nwere ihe owuwu e nwere nke cellose. Ọ bụ ngwaahịa nke kemịkalụ nke cellose (osisi) na onye ọrụ ether. Dabere na nhazi ihe ọmụmụ kemịkalụ mgbe enwere ike eketa ya, enwere ike kewapụ ya na nnọkọ Ananic. Mkpụrụ osisi Ethery na-eji cellulose, e nwere cellulose, celdylyythyl sellise, celdylyythyl cellulose, cydylyythyl cellulose, cydylyythyythyythyythythythythythythythyth cellose, cellulose na phenyly cellulose, wdg cellulose, wdg cellulose, wdg cellulose. N'ime Industrylọ ọrụ owuwu, a na-akpọkwa ewer ether ether cellose, nke bụ aha oge na-adịghị mma, ma a na-akpọ ya Cellulose (ma ọ bụ Ether) nke ọma. Ihe ndị dị omimi nke cellulener eertener eertener eertener eertener bụ nke ionic thianer, nke na-emekarị site na hydration site na irighiri ihe n'etiti ụmụ irighiri ihe. Polymer yit na cellulose dị mfe iji mmiri mee ka ọ dị mfe na mmiri na mmiri, na njikọta hydrogen na-eme ka ọ nwee hydration na inter-molecular.
Mgbe etinyere Ether Peatener na-agbakwunye na agba nke ngwụcha, ọ na-amịpụta nnukwu mmiri, na-eme ka olu ya gbasaa nke ukwuu, belata oghere n'efu, fillers na mbubreyo; N'otu oge ahụ, akwara mkpụrụ ndụ eather na-ejikọkarị usoro netwọkụ atọ, yana agba agba na agba na mbubreyo na-agbachi n'etiti ntupu ahụ na enweghị ike ịgafe n'enweghị nsogbu. N'okpuru nsonaazụ abụọ a, viscosity nke usoro a na-akawanye mma! Rụzuru mmetụta ndị anyị na-emekarị!
A na-ejikarị cellulose (eather): n'ozuzu ya, cellulose na ahịa na-ejikarị agba, ụbọchị mgbọrọgwụ na hydroxylthylthylthylthylthyl na ngwaahịa. A na-eji celloxymymymymym cellulose maka ntụ ntụ ka mma maka ime ụlọ. A na-ezo aka na celloxylym celloxylylylylylylylylylylylylylythyl cellulose (cmcythythyl cellulose (comboxythyl cellulent, na-acha ọcha flocculent ntụ ntụ na-adịghị mfe na-arụ ọrụ na mmiri. Mpempe akwụkwọ alkaline ma ọ bụ alkaline vercount mmiri, na-agbanye na mmiri na-egbu egbu ma dobe, na-egbochi ya, na-egbochi ethanol. Enwere ike iji cmc dị ka ihe mgbochi, na-egbochi onye nnọchi anya, amulsifier, ameriffier, na-akụzi, na arụ ọrụ kachasị, na usoro kachasị mma n'etiti ndị ọrụ Celllose , a na-akpọkarị dị ka "monosodium glutanate". CelloxyMymymylym cellulose nwere ọrụ nke njiko, na-ewusi ike, na-ewusi ike, emulsing, njigide mmiri na nkwusioru mmiri. 1. Ngwa nke coumixythythythythylythylythylyose na ụlọ ọrụ nri: ọ bụghị naanị ezigbo emullise na ngwa nri, ma nwee ike imeziwanye nke ngwaahịa ahụ ogologo oge nchekwa. 2. Ojiji nke sodium celloxythythythylythythylythylythyl na ụlọ ọrụ ọgwụ: enwere ike iji ya dị ka ihe emulsion maka injections, ihe mgbochi na onye na-eme ihe nkiri maka mbadamba ọgwụ. 3. Enwere ike iji cmc dị ka onye nnọchi anya mgbochi, emulsifier, dispersant, onye na-elekọta gị, na nrapado maka mkpuchi. Ọ nwere ike ịme ihe siri ike nke mkpuchi mkpuchi ahụ na-ekesa na mgbatị ahụ, nke mere na mkpuchi anaghị ewepụ ogologo oge. A na-ejikwa ya na agba. 4. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose can be used as flocculant, chelating agent, emulsifier, thickener, water retaining agent, sizing agent, film-forming material, etc. It is also widely used in electronics, pesticides, leather, plastics, printing, ceramics, Industrylọ ọrụ kemịkalụ nke kemịkalụ kwa ụbọchị na mpaghara ndị ọzọ, yana oke arụmọrụ ya, ọ na-emepe emepe ubi ọhụrụ, yana atụmanya ahịa dị oke iche. Ntughari ngwa: Mgbidi dị na mpụga Usoro ntụ ntụ Mgbidi Igwe ntụ ntụ: 1000angfe cimer: 500kg 2 pressulatized starch: 5 -6kg 3 cmc: 10 -15kg ma ọ bụ HPMC2.5-3kG4 cmc: 10-15kg ma ọ bụ HPMC2.5-3kg pounty tụkwasịrị calboxym Celllose camc, pregelatinized arụmọrụ dị mma; Ntinye arụmọrụ, yana ụfọdụ njigide mmiri; ② Meziwanye ikike mgbochi na-ada (na-enwu) nke ihe ahụ, melite arụmọrụ arụmọrụ nke ihe ahụ, ma mee ka ọrụ ahụ dị nro; Oge mmeghe nke ihe ahụ. Mgbe ihichachara, elu dị larịị, ọ dịghị ada ntụ ntụ, nwere ezigbo usoro ihe nkiri na enweghị sc. ④ Nke kachasị mkpa, usoro ọgwụgwọ dị obere, yana usoro ọgwụgwọ dị ala nwere ike imepụta nnukwu mmetụta; N'otu oge ahụ, a na-ebe nrụpụta ihe dị ka 10-20%. N'ime ụlọ ọrụ owuwu, a na-eji cmc mee ihe na mmepụta nke preform preveration, nke nwere ike belata mfu mmiri ma rụọ ọrụ dị ka onye na-azụ ahịa. Ọbụnadị maka nnukwu owuwe ihe owuwu, ọ nwekwara ike imeziwanye ike nke ihe ma na-eme ka ọdịiche ahụ wee daa na akpụkpọ ahụ. Ebumnuche ọzọ bụ ịchacha mgbidi ọcha na ntụ ntụ, PASTEPE, nke nwere ike ịchekwa oyinye ụlọ ma bulie akwa nchekwa na mbara igwe. , Hydroxyethylthylcelllose, zoro aka na (HEC): Usoro Chemical:
1. Okwu mmeghe na hydroxyethythythythythythyythythythyyth Cellulose (HEC) bụ ihe na-abụghị nke iic cellulose ether sitere na polymer polmese site na usoro nke usoro kemịkal. Ọ bụ ntụ ọka na-enweghị isi, ntụ ọcha na-acha ọcha ma ọ bụ granule na-egbu egbu, nke nwere ike gbazee na mmiri oyi iji mepụta ngwọta viccolow, nke a na-erite uru video vis. O nwere oke, na-ekekọta, na-agbasa, usoro ịse, na-ese ihe, ịgbachitere, na-arụ ọrụ na akụrụngwa na-eguzogide ya na nnu.
2. Ntụaka Indicators Accounts na-acha ọcha na-acha ọcha ma ọ bụ odo ntụ ntụ (MS) Viscosity (MPA.S) 2%, 30000, 1000000, 10000, 10000, uru nke hydroxyethythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythyth cellulose elu
● HyDroxyethyth Cellulose na-enye ezigbo mkpuchi ihe mkpuchi maka mkpuchi mkpuchi, ọkachasị Coco comins. Enweghị flocculation na-apụta mgbe agba ahụ bụ nnukwu ụlọ.
● Hydroxyethythythyth cellulite nwere mmetụta dị elu. Ọ nwere ike belata usoro onunu ogwu, melite onodu aku na uba nke usoro, ma melite nguzogide nke mkpuchi.
Ezigbo ihe nrịba ama
● Ihe ngwọta osisi nke celdroxyethythythyth solulose bụ usoro na-abụghị Newton, a na-akpọkwa ihe ngwọta ya.
● Na steeti static, mgbe a na-agbaze ngwa ahịa ahụ kpamkpam, usoro mkpuchi na-ejigide ọnọdụ kachasị mma na mmeghe.
Ọnọdụ nke a na-awụsa, sistemụ ahụ na-eme ka vints na-adịghị mma, nke mere na ngwaahịa ahụ nwere oke mmiri ma agaghị awụpụ.
● Mgbe ejiri ya rụọ ọrụ, ngwaahịa a na-agbasa ngwa ngwa na mkpụrụ. Ọ dị mma maka iwu owuwu. N'otu oge ahụ, ọ nwere nguzogide ịgbasa.
N'ikpeazụ, mgbe emechara mkpuchi ahụ, viecosis nke usoro sistemụ na-agbakọ ozugbo, na mkpuchi ozugbo sags ozugbo.
Chụsawanye na solublity
A na-emeso Heldroxyethythyth Celllose na-egbu oge mgbasa, nke nwere ike igbochi agglomeration mgbe agbakwunyere ntụ ntụ. Mgbe ị gbasiri ike na ntụ ntụ hec nke ọma chụsasịrị, bido hydration.
● Hydroxyethythythythyth Cellulose nwere ezigbo ọgwụgwọ elu nwere ike idozigharị ọnụego na mmụba viscosity ọnụego nke ngwaahịa ahụ.
nchekwa nchekwa
● Hydroxyethythythyth cellulose nwere ezigbo mgbochi mgbochi mgbochi mmiri ma na-enye oge nchekwa nke zuru ezu. Na-egbochi ụsị na ndị filling si na idozi. 4. Etu ị ga-esi jiri: (1) Tinye ozugbo n'oge ịmepụta usoro a bụ ihe dị mfe ma na-ewe obere oge. Nzọụkwụ ndị a dị ka ndị a: 1. Tinye mmiri dị ọcha n'ime nnukwu bọket nke nwere nnukwu agọrọ Shear Shear. 2. Malite na ị na-ewe iwe na ọsọ ọsọ ma jiri nwayọ sie ike ịmị ọkụ hydroxyethyhethythheththythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythythyth sellulose n'ime ihe ngwọta ahụ. 3 4. Mgbe ahụ tinye onye nnọchi anya antifungal na ihe mgbakwunye dị iche iche. Dị ka pigments, na-agbasa ọrịa AIDS, mmiri amomon, wdg ruo mgbe niile ngwọta na-abawanye nke ọma) tupu ịtinye ihe ndị ọzọ na mmeghachi omume. (2) Kwadebe mmanya mmanya maka iji: usoro a bụ ịkwadebe mmanya mmanya na elu ịta ga-ebu ụzọ, wee tinye ya na ngwaahịa ahụ. Uru nke usoro a bụ na ọ nwere mgbanwe ka ukwuu ma enwere ike ịgbakwunye na ngwaahịa emechara, mana ọ ga-echekwa nke ọma. Nzọụkwụ ndị ahụ yiri nzọụkwụ (1-4) n'ụzọ (1-4) na usoro (1): ọdịiche ahụ bụ na ọ dịghị mkpali na-enweghị mkpanaka dị elu, naanị ụfọdụ ndị na-agba ume na-ezuru na-agbasasị na ngwọta, gaa n'ihu na-akpali ya n'ime usoro vivolos. Ọ ga-ahụ na a ga-atụkwasị ya na onye nnọchi anya antifung na mmanya na-a recoorsụ nne na-anwụ ozugbo o kwere omume. A na-eji ngwa 1. Ejiri ya na agba mmiri nke mmiri: HEC, dị ka colloid nke mmiri, enwere ike iji colloid, enwere ike iji ya na vinyl acetate emullization polymerization na nnukwu ụkpụrụ plọ okirikiri. Na nmepụta nke ngwaahịa a rụchara, dị ka pigments na ndị filters na-eji otu na-agbasa, sie ike ma na-enye oke mmetụta. A nwekwara ike iji ya dị ka onye na-achụsasị maka polymers nkwụsị dịka Styrene, acrylate, na proplene. Ejiri ya na agba mbubreyo nwere ike ime ka ọ dịkwuo mma na arụmọrụ. 2. N'ihe banyere ihe omimi nke mmanu di ka onye na-eme ihe dị iche iche a na-eme ka ọ ghara ịrapara, nke ọma, na apịtị nwere ike inweta ezigbo mmiri na nkwụsi ike. Meziwanye ikike a na - ebu n'oge agha, ma gbochie nnukwu mmiri ịbanye na apịtị site na apịtị, na - emechi ikike imepụta mmanụ. 3. Ejiri ya na iji ụlọ a na-ewu ụlọ na ihe owuwu: Enwere ike ịgwakọta ya na ngwa agha iji meziwanye ihe na arụmọrụ mmiri, yana ime ka oge mmiri pụta, melite ike mbụ nke ihe ma zere cracks. Ọ nwere ike ime ka njigide mmiri ya dịkwuo mma na ike nke ejiji na-eji maka plasta, na-adọba akwa na plasta na plasta na plasta. 4. Ejiri ya na eze ezé: Na mgbakwunye, nhicha ezé adịghị mfe nkụ n'ihi njigide mmiri ya siri ike na emunssiffa. 5. Mgbe eji ink-ink ink, hec nwere ike ime ka ink akọrọ ngwa ngwa na ekwenyeghi. Na mgbakwunye, a na-ejikwa hec mee ihe n'ọtụtụ akwụkwọ na ịcha ọcha, akwụkwọ ndụ, kemịkalụ nke na-eme ya. 6. Clealeutions maka iji hec: a. Hygroscopicity: Alldị Hydroxyethythythythythythyth Healinose bụ hygroscopic. Ihe ọdịnaya mmiri dị n'okpuru 5% mgbe ị hapụrụ ụlọ ọrụ ahụ, mana n'ihi njem dị iche iche na ebe nchekwa, ọdịnaya mmiri ga-adị elu karịa mgbe ị hapụrụ ụlọ ọrụ ahụ. Mgbe ị na-eji ya, naanị tụọ ọdịnaya mmiri ma wepụ oke mmiri mgbe ị na-agbakọ. Ekpughela ya ikuku. b. Mbikoro ntụ: Ọ bụrụ na ihe niile dị na ahịhịa ndụ na ntụ ntụ mkpụrụ osisi celdropose dị na ikuku, ha ga-agbawa mgbe ha na-ezuru ihe ọkụ. Ekwesịrị ịrụ ọrụ kwesịrị ekwesị iji zere ntụ ntụ ntụ na ikuku dị ka o kwere mee. 7. Nkọwapụta ngwugwu: A na-eji akpa akwụkwọ plastite na-acha ọbara ọbara na akpa polyethylene nke ọma, yana ụgbụ nke 25 n'arọ. Chekwaa na ikuku na akọrọ na akọrọ n'ime ụlọ mgbe ịchekwa, ma toa ntị na mmiri. Attentiona ntị na mmiri ozuzo na nchekwa anwụ n'oge njem. Ihe HyDroxypyl Methyl Cellulose, HPDROPPRYLILTYLYLILTYL Cellilose (HPMC) chụpụ ma pụọ na mmiri. N'oge a, mmiri mmiri enweghị nza. Mgbe ihe dị ka nkeji abụọ gasịrị, viscosity nke mmiri na-abawanye, na-akpụpụta ihe nlele anya. Typedị ngwa ngwa: Enwere ike iji ya na ngwaahịa akọrọ akọrọ dị ka ntụ ntụ na ngwa agha ciment. Enweghị ike iji ya na gluu mmiri ma na-ese, ma a ga-enwe clumping.
Oge Post: Dec-26-2022