Ogo nke celloxyMymythym cellulose cmc kacha dabere na ihe ngwọta nke ngwaahịa a. Ọ bụrụ na ngwa ọrụ a doro anya, enwere obere gel, eriri na-enweghị obere, na obere obere ojii nke adịghị ọcha. N'ụzọ bụ isi, enwere ike ikpebisi ike na ogo nke celloxyythylythylylylylylylylyl Cellulose dị ezigbo mma. .
Mgbasa na mgbasa nke celloxythymythylythyl cellulose
Mix cargeboxymculloluo na mmiri iji kwadebe ihe ga-eme nke ọma. Mgbe ịhazi celloxythylylylylylylylyl selry, buru ụzọ jiri ngwaọrụ na-akpali akpali iji tinye ụfọdụ mmiri doro anya na tank ahụ. Mgbe ọ tụgharịrị na ngwaọrụ mkpali, jiri nwayọ nwayọ fesa celloxyl cellusethym cellulose na mmiri ga-agbaze kpamkpam.
When dissolving carboxymethyl cellulose, the purpose of uniform dispersion and constant stirring is to “prevent caking, reduce the dissolved amount of carboxymethyl cellulose, and increase the dissolution rate of carboxymethyl cellulose”. Dị ka oge na-ewu ewu dị mkpụmkpụ karịa oge achọrọ maka carrybollosethylcellose iji gbazee kpamkpam.
During the stirring process, if the carboxymethyl cellulose is uniformly dispersed in the water without obvious large lumps, and the carboxymethyl cellulose and water can statically penetrate and fuse, the stirring can be stopped. Ngwakọta ịgwakọta dị n'etiti 600-1300 RPM, a na-achịkwa oge na-akpali akpali ya na ihe dị ka 1 awa.
Mkpebi siri ike nke oge achọrọ maka mgbasa nke celloxythylythyl sitere na ndị a
1. BoxyythyMymyMymythythythythylythylythylythylythylythylylythylythylythyl jikọtara ọnụ kpamkpam, enweghịkwa nkewa mmiri dị n'etiti ha abụọ.
2. Ebe batrị mgbe agwakọta dị na otu edo na elu dị larịị.
3. Agba nke a gwakọtara achịcha na-enweghị agba na transperent, na enweghị ihe dị na mase. Ọ na-ewe ihe dị ka awa 10 ruo iri abụọ iji tinye carryythylylylylylylylylylylylyyn na mix ya na mmiri ruo mgbe a na-agbaze kpamkpam. Iji bulie ọsọ na nchekwa oge, a na-eji homogenizer ma ọ bụ ihe mgbochi colloidal ugbu a na-ewepụta ngwaahịa ngwa ngwa.
Oge post: Dec-03-2022