Cellulose etheramapangidwa kuchokera mapadi kudzera anachita etherification wa mmodzi kapena angapo etherification wothandizira ndi youma akupera. Malingana ndi mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya mankhwala a ether substituents, ma cellulose ethers amatha kugawidwa mu anionic, cationic ndi nonionic ethers. Ionic cellulose ethers makamaka imaphatikizapocarboxymethyl cellulose ether (CMC); non-ionic cellulose ethers makamaka kuphatikizamethyl cellulose ether (MC),hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC)ndi hydroxyethyl cellulose ether.Chlorine ether (HC)ndi zina zotero. Ma ether osagwirizana ndi ma ether amagawidwa kukhala ma ether osungunuka m'madzi ndi ma ethers osungunuka m'madzi, ndipo ma ether osasungunuka m'madzi amadzimadzi amagwiritsidwa ntchito makamaka muzinthu zamatope. Pamaso pa ayoni calcium, ionic cellulose ether ndi wosakhazikika, choncho kawirikawiri amagwiritsidwa ntchito mu matope owuma osakaniza mankhwala ntchito simenti, slaked laimu, etc. monga simenti zipangizo. Nonionic madzi sungunuka cellulose ethers amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri m'mafakitale opangira zida zomangira chifukwa chakukhazikika kwawo ndikusunga madzi.
Chemical Properties of Cellulose Ether
Etha ya cellulose iliyonse imakhala ndi kapangidwe ka cellulose - Anhydroglucose. Popanga cellulose ether, ulusi wa cellulose umayamba kutenthedwa mu njira ya alkaline, kenako umathandizidwa ndi etherifying agent. The fibrous reaction mankhwala amayeretsedwa ndi pulverized kupanga yunifolomu ufa ndi ena fineness.
Popanga MC, methyl chloride yokha imagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati etherification agent; kuwonjezera pa methyl chloride, propylene oxide imagwiritsidwanso ntchito kupeza magulu a hydroxypropyl popanga HPMC. Ma cellulose ethers osiyanasiyana amakhala ndi ma methyl ndi hydroxypropyl substitution ratios, omwe amakhudza kuyanjana kwa organic ndi kutentha kwa kutentha kwa ma cellulose ether.
Nthawi yotumiza: Apr-25-2024