Vlastnosti, charakteristiky a použitie hydroxyetylcelulózy

Hydroxyetylcelulóza je neiónový vo vode rozpustný polymér vyrobený z celulózy, prírodného polymérneho materiálu, prostredníctvom série chemických procesov. It is a white or yellowish, odorless and tasteless powdery solid substance, which can be dissolved in both cold water and hot water, and the dissolution rate increases with the increase of temperature. Generally, it is insoluble in most organic solvents. It is used as thickener and stabilizer in latex paint. It is easy to disperse in cold water with pH value less than or equal to 7, but it is easy to agglomerate in alkaline liquid, so it is generally prepared in advance for later use, or weak acid water or organic solution is made into slurry, and it can also be mixed with other granular The ingredients are dry mixed together.

Čas odoslania: 25. mája 2023