Ke sehlopha sa lijo tse matla?

1. Batho ba sa tsotelleng ethylxulose ka indastering ea lijo

Ethylcellulose ke polymer ea feto-fetohang indastering e fapaneng, ho kopanyelletsa le mecheng ea litlolo, litlolo le lijo. Indastering ea lijo, e etsa merero e 'maloa, e tlohe ho ea ho taolo e etsang lifilimi le lipapatso.

2.Koproperties of Ethylcelll

Ethylcellulose ke motlatsi ba cellulose, moo lihlopha tsa merafo li hokahane le lihlopha tsa hydroyl tsa mokokotlo oa selefouno. Phetoho ena e fana ka thepa e ikhethang ea Ethylcellulose, e etsang hore e tšoanele litšenyehelo tse fapaneng:

Ho intša ka metsing: Ethylcellllllll ka metsing empa e qhibiliha li-solvents joalo ka Ethanol, Toluforne le Chhloroforne. Thepa ena e na le molemo bakeng sa likopo tse hlokang ho hanyetsa ka metsing.

Bokhoni ba ho etsa lifilimi: Ho na le thepa e ntle ea lifilimi, e nolofalletsang ho theha lifilimi tse tšesaane, e thata haholo. Lifilimi tsena li fumana lits'ebetso tsa ho koahela le ho ea ho lisosa tsa lijo.

Thermoplasticity: E Ethylxilose e bontša boitšoaro ba thermoplastime, e e thibela ho nolofatsa ha e futhumatsa ho futhumala ha ho futhumatsa. Mekhoa ena ea sebopeho e nolofalletsa ho sebetsa joalo ka pherekano e chesang le ho bopa ka nakoana.

Ho tsitsa: Ho tsitsitse tlasa maemo a fapaneng a tikoloho, ho kenyelletsa mocheso le pH hore li etse hore e be e loketseng tšebeliso ea lijo tse fapaneng.

3.Lona ea EthylcelCaldoulose lijong

Ethylcelllulose e fumana likopo tse 'maloa indastering ea lijo ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ikhethang:
Encaps of magisurs le limatlafatsi: Ethylcellulose Ho qala ho thusa ho lokolloeng le sekhoba sa bolulo se telele ho mealo ena lihlahisoa tsa lijo.

Coating Fiting: E ​​sebetsa ho baesekele ea lihlahisoa tsa confectioner joalo ka likheo tsa confectiones joalo ka likhechana le marenene matloana ho ntlafatsa ponahalo ea bona, sebopeho le setaele. Li-cotings tsa Ethylxlulose li fana ka matla a mongobo, ho thibela mongobo oa mongobo le ho eketsa bophelo ba seshebelong.

Ntlafatso ea mafura: Ka likhatiso tsa lijo tse nang le mafura kapa mafura, ethylcellll Thepa ea eona ea lifilimi e thusa ho theha makhala a tranelate ka mekhoa e meng ea lebese mme e hasana.

Matlafante le taolo:: Ethylxillosese e sebetsa e le thipa le e hlohlelletsang lijong tsa lijo tse kang batho ba saletsoeng, liaparo le melomo ea bona. Mekhoa ea eona ea ho theha li-gels tlasa maemo a itseng e ntlafatsa ho tsitsa ha liforomo tsena.

4. Lits'ebetso tsa 4

Tšireletso ea Ethylcellulose ea lits'ebetsong tsa lijo e tšehetsoa ke lintlha tse 'maloa:

INERT Tlhatlhobo: Ethylcellllllllll e nkoa e le mohopolo ebile ha e na ho chefo. Ha e thabele lik'homik'hale ka likarolo tsa lijo kapa ho lokolla lintho tse kotsi, ho e etsa hore e sebelisoe lihlahisoa tsa lijo.

Tlhahlobo ea taolo: Ethylcelllll e amohetsoe ho sebelisoa lijong ka lijo le tsamaiso ea lithethefatsi (FDA) le Bolaoli ba polokeho ea Europe (Efsa). E thathamisitsoe joalo ka kakaretso e amoheloang e le ntho e sireletsehileng (gras) ea United States.

Ho ba sieo ha ho falla: Lithuto tse bonts'ang hore Ettyylllllllllllukese

Allerg-Free: E Ethylcellll Ho Noe A Mahlaleng a tloaelehileng a kang koro, soya, e etsa hore e loketse batho ba kulang lijo kapa pono ea lijo.

Boemo ba 5. Reregilatory

Ethylcelllulose e laoloa ke ba boholong lijo ho netefatsa polokeho ea eona le tšebeliso e nepahetseng lihlahisoa tsa lijo:

United States: United States, Ethylcelllll e laoloa ke FDA tlasa sehlooho sa 21 sa khoutu ea Lits'ebetso tsa Federal (21 cfr). E thathamisitsoe e le sejo se kentsoeng lijo tse tlatsetsang, ka melao e tobileng ea maemo a eona, maemo a sebelisanang le ho ngola.

Kopano ea Europe: Ho European Union, Ethylcelll e laoloa ke sebopeho sa molao (EC) ha ho 13 B23/2008 holima libaka tsa lijo. E abeloa palo ea "e" (e462) mme o tlameha ho latela litekanyetso tsa bohloeki tse boletsoeng ho EU.

Libaka tse ling: Mekhoa e tšoanang ea merafo e tšoanang ea tšebelisano e teng, e netefatsa hore Empenylllllllllll Ho amohela melao ea polokeho le litlhaloso tsa boleng bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea lijo.

Ethylxiloulose ke motsoako oa bohlokoa indastering ea lijo, o fana ka lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa tse kang ho amohela matsoho, ho koahela lifilimi, ho khutlisa mafura le ho tsitsisa. Ts'isinyeho ea eona le taolo ea eona e etsa khetho e ratoang ea ho theha lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa lijo, netefatsa boleng, botsitso le khotsofalo le bareki. Kaha lipatlisiso le ntlafatso e tsoela pele, Ethylcelluse e ka fumana likopo tse atolositsoeng theknoloji theknoloji ea lijo, li kenya letsoho ho nts'etsopele ea lipale le lihlahisoa tse ntlafatsang tsa lijo.

Nako: AP-01-2024