Iminyaka engu-8 ethumela ngaphandle i-hydroxypropyllyllylyllyllylylylylllllllllul cellulose HPMC Cellulose HPMC Cellulose HPMC Cellulose ETHER MERADICTICTICTICICTICTS EASHLE

Incazelo emfushane:

Igama lomkhiqizo: I-Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose
Mymonyms: HPMC; MHPC; Hydroxylpropylmerlcellellellellellulose; hpdroxynylpropcelellulose; i-methokethylpropcellulose; i-methokethylpropcelellulose; i-methokethylpropcelellulose; i-methokethylpropcelellulose; i-methokethylpropcelellulose; i-methokethyllopyllellellellulose; i-methroxel e, f, k; hpmc)
I-CAS: 9004-65-3
Ifomula yamangqamuzana: c3h7o *
Isisindo sefomula: 59.08708
Ukubukeka :: I-White powder
Izinto ezingavuthiwe: ukotini ocwengile
Ama-EINEC: 618-389-6
Uphawu lwentengiso: ICICCENT®
Imvelaphi: China
I-Moq: 1ton

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Amathegi Omkhiqizo

Thatha ukuziphendulela okugcwele ukuze ufeze zonke izimfuno zabathengi bethu; Thola intuthuko eqhubekayo ngokumaketha ukuthuthuka kwekhasimende lethu; grow to be the final permanent cooperative partner of purchasers and maximize the interests of purchasers for 8 Years Exporter Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC Cellulose Ether Mortar Building Materials Easy to Mix, We have been anticipating to cooperate along with you around the foundation of mutual rewards and common enhancement. Ngeke sikudumaze.
Thatha ukuziphendulela okugcwele ukuze ufeze zonke izimfuno zabathengi bethu; Thola intuthuko eqhubekayo ngokumaketha ukuthuthuka kwekhasimende lethu; Khula ube ngumlingani wokugcina wabambisaliwa unomphela wabathengi futhi wandise izintshisekelo zabathengi zeUkuthengisa okushisayo kwe-methyl cellulose kanye ne-cosmetic grade hpmc, Samukela imishini yokukhiqiza nobuchwepheshe obuthuthukile, kanye nemishini yokuhlola ephelele nezindlela zokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi yethu yomkhiqizo. Ngamakhono ethu aphezulu aphezulu, ukuphathwa kwesayensi, amaqembu amahle kakhulu, kanye nokulalela, izixazululo zethu zithandwa ngabathengi basekhaya nakwamanye amazwe. Ngokusekelwa kwakho, sizokwakha kusasa okungcono!

Ukuchazwa Komkhiqizo

Cas No.:9004-65-3

ICHENTCHEL® HYDROXYPROPYL Methylcellulose (HPMC) ibanga lokuhlanza yimpuphu emhlophe enamanzi amahle e-solubity. Ibanga le-Hydroxypropylm methylcellulose (HPMC) ibanga lokuhlanza liphethwe yinqubo ehlukile yokukhiqiza, inganikeza ukubonakala okuphezulu ngokusakazwa okusheshayo nesixazululo esibambezelekile. I-HPMC ye-HPMC ye-Detergent ye-HPMC ingachithwa emanzini abandayo ngokushesha futhi yandise umphumela omuhle kakhulu wokuqina. I-Hydroxypropylylylylylylylyllls (HPMC) inganikeza ukubonakala kuzo zonke izinhlobo zohlelo olungasebenzi. Ingaphezulu le-powder liphathwe ngenqubo eyingqayizivele, ngakho-ke lingachithwa emanzini ngokushesha futhi alinakuqhathaniswa ne-agglomeration, ukufukula noma kwezulu ngesikhathi sokuchithwa.

Ibanga le-DECCENTCH® HPMC lingahlakazwa ngokushesha kusisombululo esixutshwe namanzi abandayo nezinto eziphilayo. Ngemuva kwemizuzu embalwa, izofinyelela ukuvumelana kwayo okuphezulu futhi yakha isixazululo esibonakalayo se-viscous. Isixazululo samanzi sinomsebenzi ongaphezulu, ukucaca okuphezulu, ukuqina okuqinile, nokuchithwa kwamanzi akungathintwa yi-pH. Lapho i-HPMC ye-DETERGENT yebanga ingachithwa emanzini abandayo ngokushesha futhi yandise umphumela omuhle kakhulu wokuqina. I-Hydroxypropyllylylllllulose HPMC isetshenziselwa uketshezi lwe-detergent, i-sanitizer yesandla, i-gel yotshwala, i-shampoo, ukugeza uketshezi, ukuhlanza amakhemikhali njenge-ejenti enkulu kanye ne-ejenti yokuhlanza njenge-ejenti enkulu kanye ne-ejenti yokuhlanza.

I-Dicetchel® Dreatergent Ibanga Hurdroxypropyll methylcellulose lisetshenziswa ekuhlanzeni izingubo, lisebenza ikakhulu njengomkhuhlane wokuzinza, ukuqinisa amandla, nokusakaza okukhulu, okungakhulisa kakhulu ukubonwa komkhiqizo kanye nekhono lokungena amabala.

Ukucaciswa kwamakhemikhali

Ukucacisa Hpmc 60e
Ukushisa kwe-Gel (℃) I-58-64 62-68 70-90
I-Methoxy (WT%) 28.0-30.0 27.0-30.0 19.0-24.0
I-Hydroxypropoxy (WT%) 7.0-12.0 4.0-7.5 4.0-12.0
I-Viscosity (CPS, 2% khambiso) 3, 5, 6, 15, 50, 100, 100, 400,4000, 10000, 40000, 60000,100000,1500000000000

Ibanga lomkhiqizo

Ibanga le-HPMC yebanga I-Viscosity (NDJ, MPA.S, 2%) I-Viscosity (Brookfield, MPA.S, 2%)
I-HPMC AK100ms I-80000-120000 38000-55000
I-HPMC AK150ms I-120000-180000 55000-65000
HPMC AK200ms Ngo-180000-240000 70000-80000

Izici eziyinhloko

Ukuqina / ukulungiswa kokungaguquguquki
Ukuqina kwesitoreji
Ukuhambisana okuphezulu nezinye izinto ezingavuthiwe ezifana nokungasebenzi.
I-Emulsation enhle
Ukudluliselwa Kokukhanya Okuphezulu
Ukubambezeleka kwe-solubity yokulawulwa kwe-viscosity
Ukuhlakazeka kwamanzi okubandayo okusheshayo.
I-HPMC ebambezelekile amamaki e-solubity anezimpawu ezibalulekile ezibenza bafaneleke njengezinhlangothi ezihlanzayo: Ukufakwa okulula ekwakhekeni, izixazululo zokucaciswa okuhle, ukuhambisana okuhle nokuqina okuhle kwesitoreji.


Ukupakisha okujwayelekile kuyi-25KG / BAG
I-20'fcl: 12 ton ene-palletized; Ithoni elingu-13.5 elingafakwanga.
40'fCl: 24 Ton nge-palletized; Ithoni engama-28 engangenisiwe.Assime Acceransime Okugcwele ukufeza zonke izimfuno zabathengi bethu; Thola intuthuko eqhubekayo ngokumaketha ukuthuthuka kwekhasimende lethu; grow to be the final permanent cooperative partner of purchasers and maximize the interests of purchasers for 8 Years Exporter Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC Cellulose Ether Mortar Building Materials Easy to Mix, We have been anticipating to cooperate along with you around the foundation of mutual rewards and common enhancement. Ngeke sikudumaze.
I-8 ethumela ngaphandleUkuthengisa okushisayo kwe-methyl cellulose kanye ne-cosmetic grade hpmc, Samukela imishini yokukhiqiza nobuchwepheshe obuthuthukile, kanye nemishini yokuhlola ephelele nezindlela zokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi yethu yomkhiqizo. Ngamakhono ethu aphezulu aphezulu, ukuphathwa kwesayensi, amaqembu amahle kakhulu, kanye nokulalela, izixazululo zethu zithandwa ngabathengi basekhaya nakwamanye amazwe. Ngokusekelwa kwakho, sizokwakha kusasa okungcono!

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