I-Cellulose Shirener, evame ukwaziwa njenge-cellulose gum,hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, isetshenziswa ukuba yi-emulsifier, ikhudlwana, ukumisa uchwepheshe, nokunye., kutholakala kwizimonyo. Ingeze futhi ekhanda le-Shampoos yezinwele, amazinyo nezinsipho eziwuketshezi, ukudala ukuthambekela kwekhwalithi yazo futhi kungahle kusetshenziswe ukuba ngumsindo omncane ongahlanzwa ngamanzi okuphuza. Kusetshenziswa womabili la magama nemishwana akucaci nje kuningi labantu futhi futhi imigomo evame ukuguqulwa.so, kuleli khasi kufanele lihambe uhlaka, lufisa lokhu kungabi sezobuchwepheshe.
I-Cellulose iyi-carb eyinkimbinkimbi ethamba lesifunda esikhulu sodonga lweselula odongeni oluningi ezimigqeni futhi kubalulekile ekwakhiweni kwezimpahla eziningi, yize i-methylcellulose ivela kabanzi (inqubo yemvelo neyabalwa kanye ne-organic biochemistry ) Lapho i-cellulose (ikhemikhali elimhlophe elimhlophe elimhlophe), liphendula ngamanzi ajwayelekile (impendulo yamakhemikhali noma i-methylation ye-cellulose), okuwumphumela wokuvuvukala nge-H2O ukwenza indlela ebalulekile ye-metabolic eyenzeka kuyo yonke iselula futhi isitho ngasinye somzimba wethu wonke. Impilo yansuku zonke ibingekhona ngaphandle kwabo. Kuzodinga indawo izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezigidi eziyinkulungwane ezilandelayo emzimbeni.Hydroxypropyl methylcellulosengokuvamile imodeli yokufakelwa yeselula.
Index yezobuchwepheshe
Ithebula 1
Ukucacisa | 60AXAX (2910Isihlehlukene | I-65ax (2906Isihlehlukene | I-75ax (I-2208Isihlehlukene |
Ukushisa kwe-Gel (℃) | I-58-64 | 62-68 | 70-90 |
I-Methoxy (WT%) | 28.0-30.0 | 27.0-30.0 | 19.0-24.0 |
I-Hydroxypropoxy (WT%) | 7.0-12.0 | 4.0-7.5 | 4.0-12.0 |
I-Viscosity (CPS, 2% khambiso) | 3, 5, 6, 15, 50, 100, 100, 400,4000, 10000, 40000, 60000,100000,1500000000000 |
Ithebula 2
Ibanga le-HPMC yokwakha | I-Viscosity (NDJ, MPA.S, 2%) | I-Viscosity (Brookfield, MPA.S, 2%) |
Hpmc 75ax400 | I-320-480 | I-320-480 |
I-HPMC 75aX6000000 | 48000-72000 | I-24000-36000 |
Hpmc 75ax100000 | I-80000-120000 | 38000-55000 |
Hpmc 75ax150000 | I-120000-180000 | 55000-65000 |
I-HPMC 75aX200000 | Ngo-180000-240000 | 70000-80000 |
1. I-Tile Adhesive
2. Udonga putty
3. I-Cement Render
4. Imikhiqizo ye-Gypsum
6. Udaka oluhlanganisiwe olomile
7. Peepers & Coating
8. Ukuhlanza kanye nokuhlanza
Iphakheji nokulayisha
Esikhwameni se-20kgs PP.
Isitsha se-12mt / 20ft (nge-pallet)
I-14mt / 20ft isitsha (ngaphandle kwepallet)
I-Chemin Chemistry ngumkhiqizi we-cellulose we-cellulose tefs eChina. We always do the job to be a tangible team to ensure that we can present you with the very best good quality as well as the best cost for OEM Factory for China Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, HPMC, CAS 9004-65-3, Welcome to go kithi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi sokubambisana kwenkampani kufakazelwe.
Ifektri ye-OEM yeChinaHydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, Cas No: 9004-65-3, sinamathela kwifilosofi ethi "ukuheha amakhasimende ngezixazululo ezinhle kakhulu kanye nensizakalo enhle kakhulu". Samukela amakhasimende, izinhlangano zebhizinisi kanye nabangane abavela kuzo zonke izingxenye zomhlaba ukuxhumana nathi futhi bafune ukubambisana kwezinzuzo ezihambisanayo.
Isikhathi sePosi: APR-25-2024