Application of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in drilling fluid

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na for short) is an important water-soluble polymer compound and is widely used in oil drilling fluid. Its unique properties make it an indispensable component in the drilling fluid system.

1. Basic properties of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is an anionic cellulose ether generated by cellulose after alkali treatment and chloroacetic acid. Its molecular structure contains a large number of carboxymethyl groups, which makes it have good water solubility and stability. CMC-Na can form a high-viscosity solution in water, with thickening, stabilization and film-forming properties.

2. Application of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in drilling fluid


CMC-Na is used as a thickener in drilling fluid. Its main function is to increase the viscosity of drilling fluid and enhance its ability to carry rock cuttings and drill cuttings. The appropriate viscosity of drilling fluid can effectively prevent well wall collapse and maintain the stability of the wellbore.

Fluid loss reducer

During the drilling process, drilling fluid will penetrate into the pores of the formation, causing water loss in the drilling fluid, which not only wastes drilling fluid, but may also cause well wall collapse and reservoir damage. As a fluid loss reducer, CMC-Na can form a dense filter cake on the well wall, effectively reducing the filtration loss of drilling fluid and protecting the formation and well wall.


During the drilling process, the friction between the drill bit and the well wall will generate a lot of heat, resulting in increased wear of the drill tool. The lubricity of CMC-Na helps to reduce friction, reduce wear of the drill tool, and improve drilling efficiency.


Drilling fluid may flocculate or degrade under high temperature and high pressure, thus losing its function. CMC-Na has good thermal stability and salt resistance, and can maintain the stability of drilling fluid under harsh conditions and extend its service life.

3. Mechanism of action of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

Viscosity adjustment

The molecular structure of CMC-Na contains a large number of carboxymethyl groups, which can form hydrogen bonds in water to increase the viscosity of the solution. By adjusting the molecular weight and substitution degree of CMC-Na, the viscosity of the drilling fluid can be controlled to meet the needs of different drilling conditions.

Filtration control

CMC-Na molecules can form a three-dimensional network structure in water, which can form a dense filter cake on the well wall and reduce the filtration loss of drilling fluid. The formation of the filter cake depends not only on the concentration of CMC-Na, but also on its molecular weight and substitution degree.


CMC-Na molecules can be adsorbed on the surface of the drill bit and the well wall in water to form a lubricating film and reduce the friction coefficient. In addition, CMC-Na can also indirectly reduce the friction between the drill bit and the well wall by adjusting the viscosity of the drilling fluid.

Thermal stability

CMC-Na can maintain the stability of its molecular structure under high temperature conditions and is not prone to thermal degradation. This is because the carboxyl groups in its molecules can form stable hydrogen bonds with water molecules to resist high temperature damage. In addition, CMC-Na also has good salt resistance and can maintain its performance in saline formations. 

4. Application Examples of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose

In the actual drilling process, the application effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is remarkable. For example, in a deep well drilling project, a drilling fluid system containing CMC-Na was used to effectively control the stability and filtration loss of the wellbore, increase the drilling speed, and reduce the drilling cost. In addition, CMC-Na is also widely used in marine drilling, and its good salt resistance makes it perform well in the marine environment.

The application of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in drilling fluid mainly includes four aspects: thickening, reducing water loss, lubrication and stabilization. Its unique physical and chemical properties make it an indispensable component in the drilling fluid system. With the continuous development of drilling technology, the application prospects of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose will be broader. In future research, the molecular structure and modification methods of CMC-Na can be optimized to further improve its performance and meet the needs of more complex drilling environments.

Post time: Jul-25-2024