How to distinguish the quality of cellulose from the ash after burning hydroxypropyl methylcellulose?

First: The lower the ash content, the higher the quality

Decision factors for the amount of ash residue:

1. The quality of cellulose raw materials (refined cotton): usually the better the quality of refined cotton, the whiter the color of the cellulose produced, the better the ash content and water retention.

2. The number of times of washing: there will be some dust and impurities in the raw materials, the more times of washing, the smaller the ash content of the finished product after burning.

3. Adding small materials to the finished product will cause a lot of ash after burning

4. Failure to respond well during the production process will also affect the ash content of cellulose

5. Some manufacturers want to confuse everyone’s vision by adding combustion accelerants. After burning, there is almost no ash. In this case, you need to remember the color and state of the pure powder after burning, because the fiber of the combustion accelerant is added. Although the powder can be fully burned, there is still a big difference in the color of the pure powder after burning.

Second: the length of burning time: the burning time of cellulose with a good water retention rate will be relatively long, and vice versa for a low water retention rate.

Post time: May-15-2023