How to match cellulose ether Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC by viscosity?

How to match cellulose ether Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC by viscosity?

Matching Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) by viscosity involves selecting a product with a viscosity level that aligns with the desired properties and performance characteristics for a specific application. Viscosity is a crucial parameter that influences the flow, workability, and other rheological properties of HPMC solutions or dispersions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to match cellulose ether HPMC by viscosity:

1. Define Application Requirements:

Identify the specific requirements of your application. Consider factors such as:

  • Desired workability and ease of application.
  • Rheological properties needed for the application (e.g., thickening, water retention, etc.).
  • Specifications for adhesion, film formation, or other performance characteristics.

2. Understand Viscosity Grades:

HPMC is available in various viscosity grades, typically measured in centipoise (cP) or mPa·s. Different grades offer different viscosity levels, and manufacturers often categorize them into ranges (e.g., low viscosity, medium viscosity, high viscosity). Each viscosity grade has specific applications where it performs optimally.

3. Refer to Manufacturer’s Technical Data:

Consult the technical data sheets provided by HPMC manufacturers. These documents usually include information on viscosity ranges for each grade, as well as other relevant properties such as degree of substitution, particle size, and solubility. Manufacturers often recommend specific grades for certain applications.

4. Match Viscosity to Application:

Select an HPMC grade with a viscosity level that matches the requirements of your application. For example:

  • For applications requiring low viscosity and improved workability (e.g., plastering), consider low-viscosity HPMC grades.
  • For applications requiring high viscosity and water retention (e.g., tile adhesives), choose high-viscosity HPMC grades.

5. Consider Formulation and Dosage:

Take into account the formulation of your product and the dosage of HPMC. The required viscosity can often be achieved by adjusting the dosage of HPMC in the formulation. It’s important to stay within the recommended dosage range provided by the manufacturer to ensure optimal performance.

6. Perform Lab Tests:

Before large-scale production, conduct lab tests using different viscosity grades of HPMC to evaluate their performance in your specific formulation. This step allows you to observe how each grade affects properties such as workability, adhesion, and other application-specific requirements.

7. Consult with Technical Support:

If you have specific or complex application requirements, consider consulting with the technical support team of the HPMC manufacturer. They can provide guidance on selecting the most suitable viscosity grade based on your needs and may offer additional insights into formulation adjustments.

8. Consider Additional Properties:

While viscosity is a key parameter, consider other properties of HPMC that may impact performance in your application. This may include factors like gelation temperature, particle size, and compatibility with other ingredients in your formulation.

9. Quality Assurance:

Choose HPMC from reputable manufacturers with a track record of producing high-quality cellulose ethers. Consider factors such as consistency, purity, and adherence to industry standards.


Matching cellulose ether HPMC by viscosity involves a combination of understanding application requirements, consulting technical data, conducting lab tests, and considering the expertise of the manufacturer. Careful consideration of these factors will help you select the most suitable HPMC grade to meet the specific needs of your application.

Post time: Jan-27-2024